About Our Governance
Governance Responsibilities
The Board’s role is to provide strategic direction and oversight of 365CPS’ programme and objectives and to steer the charity towards fulfilling its vision and mission through good governance. The responsibilities and duties of the Board include:
- Approve and review policies;
- Approve budget for the financial year and monitor expenditure against budget;
- Review and approve quarterly financial statements;
- Regularly monitor the progress of the charity’s programmes.
Board’s Recruitment Process
Board’s Re-nomination / Re-appointment Process
Board member may be re-elected for a consecutive term and not longer than five (5) consecutive terms. The term of board member is two (2) years. Should there be a need of serving more the five (5) consecutive terms, at least 80% agreed vote is required during the election.
Board Evaluation Process
In January, all board members are required to submit board evaluation form. The form will be submitted to the nomination committee for evaluation and review.
Finance Management & Internal Control
The Society has both Procurement Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and Finance SOP to be complied. The Finance SOP includes receipting, payment procedures, controls and system for delegation of authority and limits of approval. These SOPs are reviewed by the Finance Committee every two (2) years.
Use of Funds
The Society has a restricted fund given by the Community Chest’s “Care & Share Movement”. The usage report will be submitted to NCSS on quarterly basis.
Reserve Policy
The reserves of the 365CPS comprise the unrestricted fund that is freely available for its operation purposes and does not include restricted fund. 365CPS adopts a prudent approach in determining its reserves level. The reserves amount will be reviewed each year after approval of the annual budget.
Conflict of Interest Policy
The Executive Committee puts in place a policy to ensure that all members of the Executive Committee, Sub-Committees, staff and volunteers (collectively refer to as “members”) fulfil their obligations to act in the best interest of 365CPS at all times. All members are required to declare any actual, potential and/or perceived conflicts of interest in accordance with the Policy and documented procedures. Executive Committee members are not allowed to vote nor participate in the decision-making on matters where they have actual, potential and /or perceived conflict of interest.
The Executive Director’s remuneration is reviewed and proposed yearly by HR Committee, and approved by both President & Vice President. Staff’s yearly remuneration is proposed by the Executive Director yearly and reviewed by HR committee with final approval by President & Vice President.
Whistleblowing Policy
This Whistleblowing Policy is in place to provide a framework to promote responsible and secure whistleblowing without fear of adverse consequences. Employees and outside parties, such as donors, clients, volunteers, suppliers, contractors and other stakeholders, may use the procedures set out in the Policy to report any malpractice, impropriety, statutory non-compliance or wrongdoing by Staff, Volunteers (including any member of the EXCO or Sub-committee), or Service Providers in the course of their work. An appropriate follow up action will be taken by the Audit & Risk Committee. For more information on whistleblowing policy, please visit: https://365cps.org.sg/whistleblowing/
Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) Policy
The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) policy sets out the basis which 365CPS may collect, use, disclose or otherwise process personal data of our prospective service users, service users, service users’ authorised representative, donors, volunteers in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). The policy applies to personal data in our possession or under our control, including personal data in the possession of organisations which we have engaged to collect, use, disclose or process personal data for our purposes.
To view our PDPA policy, please click the link here. https://365cps.org.sg/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/DATA-PROTECTION-NOTICE_2019.pdf
ESG Policy
365 Cancer Prevention Society (365CPS) believes that Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles are important for its long-term sustainability and ability to serve its beneficiaries well. ESG is an increasingly important criteria our stakeholders consider in determining whether they would support an organisation’s cause, whether financially (e.g. donations, sponsorships, etc.) or non-financially (e.g. partnerships, volunteerism, etc).
365CPS is committed to sustainable development by keeping its activities environmentally friendly, socially conscious, maintaining good relationships with our stakeholders and keeping high governance standards.
365CPS focuses on matters that are important to its employees, volunteers, and beneficiaries. It is committed to raising awareness and practices on ESG to its stakeholders.
Financial Sanctions
The Society is committed to the best of our knowledge not to deal with designated individuals and entities listed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Targeted Financial Sanctions List. We will also comply with all regulations for Targeted Financial Sanctions under the United Nations Security Council Resolutions, where applicable.
Charity Transparency Award
We are honoured to be a recipient of the 2022 Charity Transparency Awards (CTA). The CTA recognises charities with good disclosure practices that the Charity Transparency Framework (CTF) recommends. We will continue serving the community with our tri-fold mission and vision in mind.