Future Plans
Healthy Food Centre
This would be a centre, which could be in the form of a nutritious food restaurant, to provide specially prepared healthy and nutritional meals/beverages through counter sales and home/office deliveries. Meals and beverages made available should be comprehensive in varieties and could even be prepared under a unique plan developed by the Society’s team of nutritionists/medical consultants. The committee proposed that one dietician would be needed to support the proposed Centre and one cook for each DAC.
Healthy Promotion Centre
This proposed service centre would be the entity on the development of cancer prevention, healthy food and healthy living promotional packages. It would target schools and corporations in its promotion drives.
Rehabilitation Centre
It was envisaged that the proposed full day facility would be manned by qualified therapist(s) offering comprehensive therapeutic services including physical recovery and spiritual/mind enrichment packages to assist the cancer patients in their recovery journey. It was suggested that formal therapeutic programmes, some as long as 21 days, should be developed accordingly.
Professional Counseling Centre
The proposed centre would provide counselling services by qualified counsellor to patients and their family members. One qualified counsellor would be needed initially.
Resource and Education Centre
The proposed centre would build up a good inventory of books on the relationship between diet and cancer, e-materials, etc. It would also house facilities suitable for talks, seminars, forums etc.
Healthy Lifestyle Education Centre
This special entity would be an institution responsible for the development and conduct of cancer and therapy related programmes focusing on strengthening healthy development on body, mind and soul.
Social Service Centre (SSC)
Bearing in mind the increases in the cancer cases in Singapore, the patient care committee proposed to set up SSCs across 5 locations (or East, South, West, North and Central area) in Singapore. These SSCs would provide programmes/activities, therapy & nutritious food services etc. similar to the existing SSC at the Society’s premise. The timeframe on the setting up of each of these SSCs would depend on resources (funding and manpower) available. SSC should have a dedicated qualified social worker.