Join the fight against cancer. Donate now.
As a non-profit, we rely on your generosity to provide the support for cancer fighters in their fight against cancer. Your donations help fund programmes and services, and cancer awareness initiatives. Every donation makes a difference. Join us in the fight against cancer today.
For enquiries of donations & fundraising campaigns,
please email fundraising@365cps.org.sg or contact 6337 3368.
All donations to our charity are eligible for 250% tax relief. The deduction will be automatically processed if you have provided us with your NRIC/FIN/UEN. Tax Deductible Receipts (TDR) will be issued for donations $30 and above.

Online Portal Donation
Give donation online via Giving.Sg Charity Donation Portal.
Click here.
Give donation online via GIVE.asia.
Click here.

Cash Donation
Give donation directly to 365 CANCER PREVENTION SOCIETY at:
11 Irving Place, #08-01 Tai Seng Point, Singapore 369551

GIRO/Credit Card Donation
Give donation through Giro/Credit Card.
Download the form here.

Donate via PayNow
Scan the QR Code via your iBanking app to donate. Please include your NRIC number in the PayNow comments for tax deduction purposes.

Donation via DDDP
DDDP is a donation programme designed for members of the public who are interested in supporting 365 Cancer Prevention Society (365CPS)’s cancer fighting efforts and activities in Singapore on a monthly, 6-monthly or annual basis.
See more here.

Cheque Donation
Cheque can be crossed out to 365 CANCER PREVENTION SOCIETY and mail to:
365 Cancer Prevention Society
11 Irving Place, #08-01 Tai Seng Point, Singapore 369551
Personal Data Protection Act: Use of Donor Information
The Personal Data Protection Act (“PDPA”) which governs the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data is effective as of 2 July 2014.
We are committed to safeguarding your personal data and have put in place processes and internal procedures that comply with the PDPA.
Your personal information is collected, retained, and used only for the following purposes:
1. To process, administer and manage your relationship with us as a valued donor of 365CPS
2. To inform you of our fundraising, and other charitable events.
For more information on 365CPS PDPA policy, please refer to this link: https://365cps.org.sg/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/DATA-PROTECTION-NOTICE_2019.pdf)
Please email us at enquiry@365cps.org.sg for further clarifications. Thank you for your support.