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Hi everyone! My name is Mr Heng, and I am sharing my story with you today.
I accidentally discovered that I have Kidney cancer back in 2017. Kidney cancer is actually one of the most unique cancers out of the many variants and types out there. Doctors told me that both common active treatments like chemotherapy and radiation will have little to no effect on it and the only viable option was to remove it entirely. The caveat is that unfortunately my oncologist said that there is a high chance of it coming back but with a disguise such as brain cancer and that would cause the cancer to spread all over my body.
I was initially diagnosed with stage 1 of Kidney cancer by the specialist, and it was surgically removed after 5 months. On the same day, another oncologist diagnosed it as stage 2 and I was told to come back in a month’s time for another review. I was following up closely with my oncologist and it was revealed to me that it has advanced to stage 3 and they told me that I have a 85% survival rate within the next 5 years. I was shocked at how fast the cancer has progressed which was very different than what I expected because my first oncologist told me that my cancer cells are growing very slowly.
After a few months, my oncologist came with bad news again that there were two tumors in my thyroid gland. They did a test and found out that they were benign, but I was given a heads up that if it turned malignant, my life expectancy will be shortened to a mere 3 months. My life has been a rollercoaster since my diagnosis until today as I don’t know when my last day is here on this earth. I decided to make full use of my remaining time and told myself to look and move forward.
I participated heavily in volunteering work in my RC zone which is zone 6. I help out in the senior activity area. Due to my cancer condition and my own personality, I generally tend to avoid crowded places and limit my trips to the shopping malls or the hawker centre. So, I spend most of my time at home.
After joining 365 Cancer Prevention Society, I was availed to many programs and services which added colors into my life. In the midst of the pandemic, I learnt about the Kopi Chat program that my Care Leader told me about. I started to join them every Friday at 1230pm ever since. I like it because I am able to hear and see different reactions from like minded cancer fighters from all walks of life with regards to the same topic that is being discussed. Hearing different cancer fighters share their experiences, wisdom and stories gave me that oomph of strength, hope and comfort in my life filled with uncertainties.
I want to thank 365 Cancer Prevention Society for planning all the programs and services which are filled with love and affirmation! I also want to take this opportunity to say that If you are suffering from cancer and reading this, I encourage you to reach out to 365 Cancer Prevention Society and be part of us!