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Hi, my name is Lee Ah Nooi, I am 74 years old this year. Life is full of uncertainties, and I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Upon my diagnosis, I was introduced to three new friends called Chemotherapy, Radiation and Surgery. I went through all the active treatments and the surgery without much hiccups, and I am grateful for it.
I was introduced to 365 Cancer Prevention Society (365CPS) and joined them as a member back in 2019. I was surprised and happy with the services provided by 365CPS especially when their staff visited me and show me care and concern. I soon learned that they are called Care Leaders and my Care Leader called me frequently and find time to visit me. I was very encouraged by this, and I could feel the tangible sincerity from the society. From this point on, I was introduced to joining activities at the Social Service Centre (SSC) and even joined their Day Care service as well. I immersed myself in the exercises, singing classes and various art classes provided by the SSC.
I recall attending one of the physical health talks at Commonwealth and from there, I saw the dedication of the staff working there to serve the beneficiaries and more importantly, I also saw other cancer fighters at the venue for the event. There were many smiles, and I could see the participants’ optimism and anticipation. From talking to the staff, I also learned that all of this is possible due to the donations from public and private donors. I am very touched and grateful to the donors and staffs for making this possible for me and other cancer fighters.
However, when the pandemic hit Singapore, a lot of the usual activities I am used to were all suspended because they had to close their centre. 365CPS responded quickly to the situation by moving the classes and activities on to Zoom platform. It took a while for me to catch up but my Care Leader was very patient with me and guided me to ensure that I knew how to join in on those classes. Soon after, I was introduced to this special program curated by the Care Leaders called Kopi Chat. They have exciting and different topics every Friday to gather the cancer fighters together for 30 minutes to discuss it. I learn a lot from others just by listening to their point of view and I also shared my experiences and story with them as well. It made me felt less lonely because I know that there are other people going through this cancer journey together with me.
Let’s work together and move past the stigma of cancer, we are brave cancer fighters!