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Hi, I’m Timothy, a psychology student from Temasek Polytechnic who embarked on his first 12-week internship as an Assistant Counselor with 365 Cancer Prevention Society. Being heavily invested in advocating mental health in my school, and passionate about counseling and psychology, I immediately jumped on the internship opportunity at 365CPS and have not regretted it since.
Anxiety was ever present when I began my first day of internship but it quickly dissipated when I was welcomed in open arms by my caring colleagues in the Counseling team. This openness became the norm even when I was attached to different departments during the early stages of my internship. Every 365CPS colleague I interacted with was accommodating and patient, despite me being from a different department.
Throughout my internship, I worked closely with the Counseling team from the Psychosocial Department. I am grateful to have spent my internship learning from the counselors, who were willing to open up to share their experiences and advice. Progressively, I was tasked to a diverse range of tasks from helping out in the counseling assessment process to creating social media content for the organization and hosting health talks. However, one of the biggest challenges I faced was communicating my psychological knowledge effectively to those who may not be familiar with the field. It definitely has been a great learning experience and great strides have been taken to improve myself since I first started.
Apart from my tasks, I was fortunate enough to be able to meet and interact with members physically. My experience with members has been nothing but a positive one, as everyone was so inviting and open. Even from members, I have learnt so much from them as they shared advice and life experiences. Listening to their experiences inspired me greatly, and their optimism, strength and perseverance are qualities to be admired and respected. Meeting them face-to-face also allowed me to connect and empathize better with them, and I am glad I was able to keep them company and spend some time with them.
With that, my internship in 365CPS ended as quickly as it began. Despite my short time with the organization, I had an enjoyable experience and managed to gain invaluable insights and knowledge that I will bring with me into the future. Thank you to everyone who guided me and members I have interacted with, it has been one meaningful and amazing journey!