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Our immune system is just like “Ministry of Defense” in our body. It is the bedrock of our body’s defense against infections and diseases. People with nutritional inadequacy is more susceptible to infection.
Cancer patients who are receiving treatment such as chemotherapy, using immunosuppressant or bone-marrow transplant may have a weakened immunity. Eating a healthy diet helps to replenish nutrients into our body and boost our immunity. A healthy diet which includes wholegrains, protein, fruits and vegetables is essential for building a good immune system.
Protein plays an important role in the recovery and healing process for cancer patients. Amino acids from protein food are the component for cells building which includes our immune cells and antibodies. Good protein sources include: fish, tofu, eggs, lean meat, soy, legumes, pasteurized low-fat milk or yogurt.
Patients who are on treatment and with low immunity can practice neutropenic diet. Neutropenic diet is a diet practice which helps people with low immunity to reduce the risk of getting foodborne illnesses. It involves proper food safety and avoiding food which may expose you to harmful microorganism