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On 18 June, our counsellor from 365 Cancer Prevention Society conducted a Facebook Live talk in Mandarin on achieving a healthier mindset.
Check out the answers to some of the interesting questions raised during the Q&A session, including what to do if you have a fixed mindset and how to step out of your comfort zone:

1. If people around me (e.g. family and friends) have a fixed mindset, how should I communicate with them?
• An important question is whether the fixed mindset is affecting their lives and/or other people’s lives.
• If there is a negative impact, you may wish to gently nudge them and let them know that it would be good for them to change it.
• If there is no major impact, there is no urgent need for you to try and change their mindset, it is ok to communicate with them as you usually would.

2. I realise that I display many signs of a fixed mindset. Should I then try to change myself?
• Each of us has a mix of fixed and growth mindsets – the difference is which one we tend to lean towards.
• It is not necessarily bad to have either mindset, it is part and parcel of our lives.
• If you think that having a fixed mindset negatively affects your life, you can then look at changing it.

3. I know that I should step out of my comfort zone, but how do I know exactly what my comfort zone is?
• The keyword here is “comfort” – what is comfort to you?
• E.g. if someone says that they have been working in the same job for years and that they are used to it, that may be their comfort zone. There may be challenges on the job but they already know the appropriate solutions.
• Stepping out of the comfort zone may differ from person to person but generally involves trying new experiences and new challenges.