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We can obtain plenty of good things by eating a varied diet that consists of different colours. Eat the rainbow!

Do you take supplement? Does dietary supplement help for cancer prevention?

The supplement industry has been flourishing since the last decade due to the increasing number of people who are aware of their health condition. This is expected to have a huge impact on the pharmaceutical and healthcare retail sectors.

A dietary supplement is a substance that is added to our diet to boost our nutrients. It can be used by people who have deficiencies in certain nutrients such as iron or vitamin B12. In spite of this, supplements have also become very common and even essential for people who live busy lives. To ensure they get enough nutrients, many people take supplements.

Some studies show that dietary supplements can help prevent cancer. For example, there is strong evidence portrays the positive effect of calcium supplementation on colon cancer prevention. However, researches are not able to prove the effectiveness of supplements for other cancer prevention. Furthermore, it has been known that high doses of beta-carotene supplementation can increase the risk of lung cancer. This finding is supported by convincing evidence.

Dietary supplements should not be relied upon to prevent cancer. As the ninth step in cancer prevention, the World Cancer Research Fund recommends that people refrain from using supplement for cancer prevention. It is recommended that we get our macronutrients and micronutrients through our daily meals.

We can obtain plenty of good things by eating a varied diet that consists of different colours. Eat the rainbow! Studies show that a diet filled with whole grains, beans, vegetables, fruits help to lower the risk of many cancers. Minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals in these food exhibit anti-cancer properties. Aim to fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables at each meal in order to nourish your body.