Despite its reputation as a deadly disease, leukemia is no longer a guaranteed death sentence thanks to the development of new therapies. Learn more about leukemia in this talk by…
How Does Breast Cancer Develop? Cancer occurs as a result of genetic mutations or other abnormal changes in genes responsible for regulating cell growth. Normally, your body cells replace themselves…
Gastric cancer (commonly known as stomach cancer) is one of the top 10 cancers in Singapore. There are often no symptoms until the cancer has reached the advanced stages so…
Ovarian cancer refers to a type of gynaecological cancer that arises from the uncontrolled growth of malignant cells in the ovaries. In Singapore, ovarian cancer is the sixth most common…
Chewing and swallowing difficulties are common in the community, especially among the elderly, people who undergo dental procedures or nasopharyngeal cancer fighters. Poor chewing ability may affect digestion and lead…
Self-care involves activities that promotes enhanced well-being & healthy functioning. It aims at holistic caring for the self to fulfil needs in the various life aspects. With multiple stressors arising…
It is common for cancer fighters to believe that physical activity is not recommended during cancer treatment (especially chemotherapy and radiotherapy) due to the possibility of growing cancer cells. However,…